5A Biodegradable, Biobased, Compostable and Recycled Plastics

Top Tip:  The Ocean Standard has a good guide on Green Washing

Beware of Green Washing
Environmentally friendly products are not always what they seem. The terms biodegradable, biobased, compostable, and recyclable plastics are often used Interchangeably. However, it is important to understand the differences In these terms to effectively navigate the space and choose genuinely sustainable options.

For example, most compostable plastic products are only compostable if they end up in an industrial composting facility. As markets trend in a sustainable direction, unfortunately many companies are taking advantage of the demand, and falsely advertising themselves as 'green' or 'eco-friendly'.

Add to this the associated chemicals and plasticizers that accompany these plastics, there is always a need to proceed with caution.